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[Nigeria Business Week] Industries partner to reach common goals

10-01-2019 10:57:00 | by: Andrea Ayemoba | hits: 688 | Tags: The sectors are revving up to keep up momentum as the 2019 opens new doors for Nigeria’s stride toward economic balance. Last year saw significant growth in industries such as ICT, Aviation and Agribusiness and a lot of changes in Telecom and Banking. Barely two weeks into the year we are seeing innovations and data being released to indicate that the pace has been set and continuity is paramount.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation reported a notable daily increment in crude oil production in 2018, as well as a healthy trading surplus in the month of September alone, while Total has commenced oil production at Egina field.
The Banking, Insurance and Trade industries have woven interesting patterns, with the The African Development Bank backing Nigeria to attain membership in the African Trade Insurance Agency and First City Monument Bank renaming its pension management branch of business.
Agribusiness might get the boost it needs should the The Federal Government respond to the charge laid on it by the Tomato Growers Association. The Government of the nation’s industrial capital, Lagos State, meanwhile has partnered with the IFC to address infrastructure concerns.
The Aviation sector has seen a new appointment as Lufthansa has named a new sales GM for Nigeria.
ICT remains as always at the heart of change and disruption. This is made evident with the revelation of just how much advancement electronic payments saw in Nigeria last year, as well as the introduction of the first inter-operable USSD platform in the country.
Media and Energy have not gone begging. In the former, a new campaign has also been launched for Dstv and Gotv subscribers, one that is expected to upgrade paying customers. In the latter, about two million people have been provided with clean energy in Nigeria.

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