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Jonathan invites 116 PDP leaders to peace meeting

Jonathan invites 116 PDP leaders to peace meeting

In what could be described as a mother of meetings to resolve the lingering crisis in the Peoples’ Demo­cratic Party (PDP), former President Goodluck Jona­than would today (Thursday) meet with about 116 stake­holders of the party.
Those expected at the meeting scheduled to hold at the Shehu Musa Yar ‘Adua Centre in Abuja are leaders of the party across the country.
Recall that the party has been embroiled in a crisis, which divide PDP into two camps. While one of the camps is headed by Sen. Ali Modu Sheriff, the other is headed by Sen. Ahmed Ma­karfi-led National Caretaker Committee.
However, the former Pres­ident has been at the fore­front in the resolution of the crisis and about a month ago, in a meeting with PDP gov­ernors, he advocated for po­litical solution to the problem facing the party.
Still pursuing that politi­cal solution, even though the party crisis has reached to the Supreme Court, Jonathan has sent a formal notice to the two warring groups in a bid to address the crisis.
Meanwhile, Jonathan’s Media Aide, Ikechukwu Eze said, “They (the two factions) have been invited, both of them are committed to come to the meeting.”-The Authority

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