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Buhari condoles with Sokoto victims of CSM outbreak

Buhari condoles with Sokoto victims of CSM outbreak
President Muham­madu Buhari has condoled with the families of the victims of the deadly cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM) which has ravaged some parts of the country, leading to deaths of hundreds of them.
Governor Aminu Wa­ziri Tambuwal of Sokoto State revealed Buhari’s message on Monday when he led a team on a condolence visit to areas affected by the disease in Danchadi village and sur­rounding areas in Bod­inga Local Government of the state.
In Sokoto alone, 41 people have died from the CSM outbreak.
Tambuwal said: “Our leader and President, Muhammadu Buhari, has asked me to condole with all of you over the outbreak of the disease in your localities. He has also asked me to tell you that everything is being done to contain the out­break and ensure it does not occur again.
“Health officials have been deployed to affected areas and they have been working round the clock to ensure your safety. We urge you to follow their instructions and at the same time cooperate with them as we tackle this challenge,” the governor said.
According to Tambu­wal, more than 700,000 people will be immunised by the state government against the Type C strain of the virus in the 23 councils of the state. - The Authority

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