The All Progressives Congress (APC) has commenced moves to reconcile its warring members in two crises ridden states, Bau­chi and Kogi.
In Bauchi State, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, has been in a running battle with the state Governor, Moham­med Abubakar, over the control of the state APC structure, while the APC executive committee in Kogi State has remained at war with Yahaya Bello since his inauguration as governor.
The APC inaugurated two committees to look into the crises rocking the two state chapters.
The Bauchi committee is headed by the Minister of Labour and Productiv­ity, Senator Chris Ngige, while that of Kogi is head­ed by Chief Tony Momoh.
Speaking during the in­auguration of the commit­tees yesterday at the par­ty’s National Secretariat, the National Chairman of the party, Chief John Oye­gun, noted that Bauchi and Kogi have remained the most worrisome chap­ters of the party, stressing that the members of the committees were carefully selected because of the pe­culiarity of the crisis.
While thanking the members of the com­mittees for accepting to serve, Oyegun said Kogi crisis has a history be­hind it, adding that the circumstances that led to Yahaya Bello’s emergence as the governor and the transition manner are all complex issues which re­quire competent men and women to deal with.-The Authority