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Anambra 2017: Pentecostal Bishops endorse Obiano's re-election bid

Anambra 2017: Pentecostal Bishops endorse Obiano's re-election bid

Three Pentecos­tal Bishops, Ben Obianwu, Mike Chukwudum and Vic­tory Uchezirim yesterday at Idemili North Local Government Area Anam­bra State appealed to the people of Anambra State to ensure that the state Governor, Chief Willie Obiano was re-elected for a second tenure.
The trio made the ap­peal during the prayer session organised by the Chairman Idemili North Local Government Tran­sition Committee, Chief Raphael Nnabuife, titled “Idemili North Local Government earnestly call for the return of Gov­ernor Willie Obiano for second term” held at the council hall of the Local Government Headquar­ters.
While Bishop Obianwu gave the near perfect se­curity situation in the state as the reason for sup­porting the re-election of Governor Obiano, come November 18, 2017. He said that “Anambra State cannot afford to go back to Egypt but must reach the promise land.”
Bishop Chukwudum on his part said Governor Obiano has the welfare of the people and workers in the state at heart by pro­viding infrastructure and prompt payment of work­ers’ salaries unlike in oth­er states of the federation.
He describes Governor Obiano as an interior and exterior Governor, add­ing that there is no state in Africa where security is as tight as it is in Anam­bra State.
Bishop Uchezirim said his support for the Gov­ernor’s re-election bid is based on the security that is existing in the state, adding that it is the great­est thing the state and its residents need to move forward, describing Gov­ernor Obiano and his team as wise men.
In his speech after the prayer, Chairman of Ide­mili North Transition Committee, Chief Ra­phael Nnabuife, said, “We have had Governors in the past but we all know the type of security they gave us and the one we have now, we have been farming before but our farmers are now export­ing their crops unlike be­fore.”
Earlier, Evangelist Emeka Anyachukwu while preaching a sermon titled, “Pray for Leaders in Authority” said that the people qualified to pray for leaders in authority are not sinners but those who have given their life to God.-The Authority

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