Breaking News

President appoints new Chief of Army Staff

Major General Obed Boamah Akwa
President John Dramani Mahama has in consultation with the Council of State appointed Major General Obed Boamah Akwa as Chief of Army Staff of the Ghana Armed Forces.
Major General Akwa's appointment takes immediate effect.

Major General Obed Boamah Akwa was until his appointment the Commandant of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.

According to a statement from the Flagstaff House, the President Mahama has, who is Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces, on the recommendations of the Ghana Armed Forces Council, also approved the promotion of the following officers:
1. Brigadier General W. A. Ayamdo to the rank of Major General
2. Brigadier General S. K. Adeti to the rank of Major General
3. Commodore S. Amoama to the rank of Rear Admiral
4. Air Commodore G. S. Evans to the rank of Air Vice Marshal

President John Dramani Mahama has also endorsed the following appointments in the Ghana Armed Forces:
1. Major General W. A. Ayamdo- Commandant of the Military Academy and Training School
2. Air Vice Marshal G. S. Evans- Commandant of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre
3. Rear Admiral S. Amoama- Commandant of the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College

The following have also been appointed General Officers Commanding:
1. Brigadier General S. B. Alloh- Northern Command        
2. Brigadier General C. B. Alhassan- Central Command
3. Brigadier General F. Ofori- Commander, Special Services Bridage

The President has also approved the promotion of a number of other officers to the next rank, according to the statement released Friday July 1, 2016.- culled from

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