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Buhari pledges transparent governance

Buhari pledges transparent governance

President Muham­madu Buhari has again pledged to be transparent as his adminis­tration would not hide an­ything from Nigerians in its resolute commitment to restore the economic for­tunes of the country and prosperity to Nigerians.
Receiving the North­ern Christian Leaders Ea­gles Eyes Forum at the State House, Abuja yester­day, the President appealed to religious leaders not to lose hope in Nigeria’s uni­ty, stability and progress.
Buhari emphasised that the Federal Govern­ment would continue to prioritise the safety of lives and property, in ad­dition to equipping Nige­rian farmers with the right tools, technology and tech­niques to boost agricul­ture.
“You must tell your followers the truth about the country. We have nothing to hide because we have no other country but Nigeria.
“Tell them to give us a chance to stabilise the country. Your concern for the security, unemploy­ment, anti-corruption campaign and the fre­quent altercations between herdsmen and farmers are genuine concerns.”
He said it was “sad­dening that some of those who stole from our nation­al resources put the money in their personal accounts.
“However, it is grati­fying that those who stole money and shared funds meant for the purchase of arms for our military are regretting their actions and they will regret more
. Those caught in corrup­tion will have themselves to blame”.
In his remarks, lead­er of the forum, Pastor Aminchi Habu, called on Nigerians to support the president’s anti-corrup­tion war and his vision to restore the lost glory of Ni­geria. - The Authority.


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