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Igbo nation has lost illustrious son –Ugwuanyi, others

GOVERNOR Ifeanyi Ug­wuanyi of Enugu State has described Chief Ojo Mad­uekwe’s death as sad.
Ugwuanyi said it was un­fortunate that his demise would happen at this time.
His Chief Press Secre­tary, Uwakwe Abugu, who spoke on his behalf, said the Igbo nation has lost one of her fine leaders.
“It is unfortunate that this happened at this dif­ficult time. Nigeria has lost a great leader and the government and people of Enugu State certainly mourn his demise. We con­dole with his family, the people of Abia State and Nigeria as a whole, he said.
Former Peoples Demo­cratic Party (PDP) deputy national chairman, Chief Bode George described Ma­duekwe’s death as a great loss to the party.
George also bemoaned the loss of an intellectual whose contributions to the PDP would be greatly missed. “Oh my God! It is a great loss.
“The PDP has lost a great contributor to the develop­ment of the party. He was an intellectual giant, who has contributed greatly to the development of our na­tion. It is, indeed, a great loss and he’ll be sorely missed.”
On his part, former gov­ernor of Ogun State, Chief Gbenga Daniel described the late Ojo as “a suave dip­lomat.
Daniel’s initial reaction was one of shock and sur­prise. He later said: “Ojo was a versatile, intelligent and detribalised Nigerian. Our country has lost a most diligent, upright and suave diplomat.”
Former Anambra gover­nor, Chinwoke Mbadinuju remembered Maduekwe “as a man of the people. In his days as the PDP secre­tary, he was a friend to so many people. He served in different capacities at the federal level and he went on to represent Nigeria as an ambassador.
“This is a terrible thing for him to die at a time like this. He carried him­self well. His death, at this time, should be mourned because it is sad that a situ­ation like this should even occur. He was like a moving train.
“Those who worked with him, particularly, at the party level, will know that someone great has been lost. It is a loss so great, not only to the South East, but the entire country.” - THE SUN

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